Thursday, September 19, 2013

Computer Services


Are you having computer problems? Suspect that your computer has a virus? Getting any confusing errors? Is your computer running slowly in general? Bring your computer into the Lisbon Computers Office and we'll repair it for you!

Before you bring in your computer, here are some steps you can try on your own to fix some common problems:
  • If you're looking to speed up your computer's performance, running a Disk Defragmenter and a Disk Cleanup tool can prove effective. On Windows, these tools can be found under Accessories -> System Tools in the Start Menu.
  • Many third-party tools, such as disk cleaners, registry cleaners, and malware removal tools can be found for free on the 'net. CCleaner and MalwareBytes are two free programs that can fix a lot of common problems.
If none of the above steps fix the problem, bring your computer into the Lisbon Computers office and we'll take a look at it.


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